Sunday, April 17, 2011

"We only grow when we're uncomfortable where we are."

Near the end of each teacher training weekend, I'm vulnerable and I'm not sure why.  The tiniest thing will bring me to tears.  I love teacher training.  I'm learning so much and I'm surrounded by wonderful people.

I was confident in the beginning that I'm ready for this experience but I've doubted that lately...

I have wonderful individuals in my life who think I'm more than ready and that this vulnerability is, in a sense, just growing pains.  I'm still uncertain, but their words are comforting.

The quote in the title comes from my lovely friend, Augusta.

Class and conversation with my friend Amanda, along with Blake, were uplifting.

An unexpected hug from Melanie was helpful as well - she must have sensed my discomfort.

Hopefully these growing pains will soon be relieved and this journey will continue to be enlightening and enjoyable.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Why I'm Going through Yoga Teacher Training

As a journal assignment, Melanie has asked us to answer the question: "What is your intention for embarking on the journey of deepening your understanding of yoga through this training?"  I've decided to post my response as a blog entry:

Each time we practice asana in teacher training, Melanie asks us recall our intentions for being in the training.  At first, I had no idea how to summarize my intentions so I would envision all of all the things I want to do with the knowledge and skills I'm acquiring in the teacher training.  As the training has progressed, I have summarized my intentions which are "to be a light in the lives of others and to continue to work toward a more enlightened Jenn."

This goal may sound a little vague:  I have many aspirations for when I have completed my RYT 200 training.  Here are a few: I have been talking to the group fitness coordinator at my university's student recreation center, and I'm really hoping to obtain employment there as a yoga instructor.  Furthermore, I've discussed with my advisor the possibility of completing yoga-based research for my Psychology senior honors thesis.  Possibly in the future, I may combine yoga and psychotherapy; after all, treatment is where I found yoga and it has been a huge part of my own recovery.

Other than preparing me to reach these goals, the training is also helping me with my own self-evaluation, self-discovery, and self-improvement.  My own yoga practice is transforming, and with that so is my outlook on many aspects of life.  With Melanie's fine example of sometimes taking much-needed rests, I am now doing that myself - rather than forcing things both physically and mentally, I'm finding a kind of confidence and satisfaction in myself which I never had before.  I can be confident in my own practice, whether or not my poses are "perfect."  I can push myself to my full potential without pushing myself past my body's limits.  I can meditate, as that is yoga too, rather than only focusing on asana.

I've begun practice teaching as well, which has been a slightly frightening experience, but enjoyable as well.  Over time, throughout this training, I assume and hope I will become more comfortable in front of a group and more confident teaching yoga.

So there you have it; this is why I am in the training & these are my plans. :)

