Saturday, June 4, 2011

Strong, Confident, and Ready

Today in teacher training, we practiced teaching sun salutations.

I've known since the beginning of teacher training that becoming comfortable standing in front of a class would be a challenge.  Even more challenging is teaching my teacher!  Until today, I even asked Melanie not to look my way when I would practice teaching to my fellow teachers in training.  However, today I was a bit more comfortable and did not ask her to look away.  I simply took a deep centering breath, looked out at the four people in front of me, and began - strong, confident, and ready.  Sure, I wasn't perfect.  Maybe I never will be.  Maybe I'd rather not be.  I did "mess up" a couple of times - but, I was able to chuckle a little and keep it going.  That's "perfect" enough for me.  I'm not sure what made the difference today, but I'm grateful for whatever it was!